The Green Clover

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yay - Money in the Garter is on the calendar! Mark it on yours!

Had another rehearsal last night - it went great. Now moving into blocking, props, costumes, etc. Next week a few of us go into my friend's studio to record voiceovers, sound effects, etc. I am so excited I can hardly stand it, but a little scared (okay, a lot scared)....

Everyone has great thoughts, ideas and suggestions... It's thrilling to have the input.

It was a little shocking to discover that I could pretty much dress the entire cast with outfits from my own wardrobe (FYI, that are kept in the lower drawer - costumes really, not for normal every day wear - a dream of mine is to one day have a whole closet full of costumes, wigs, accessories, etc.). It's funny, pulling out those clothes is a reminder how on some level derby life is a "costume" - a form of entertainment we dress up for. And like most forms of entertainment, comes with a background of hard work, discipline, and very unglamorous dedications.

I swear, it's hard to meet people for the first time "derbyfied." - No, I don't normally dress like this... No, a derby event is the only time you will see my name on my ass/back/chest...

I was talking to an OC girl about the time when I was nine and went to the carnival. For my birthday, my mom bought me a blue and white baseball jersey. On the front was an iron-on of a chipmunk scaling a large ice-cream cone, on the back was my name in large letters. I soon discovered it was not the shirt to wear to the carnival. Carnies pouring out from every corner calling my name, screaming at me to come over to their booth, try their game; go on their ride... I was horrified. I never wore the shirt again, and since then have had a mild aversion to having my name displayed - it created a kind of familiarity that I didn't like.... Figures, I would end up in roller derby and embracing the joys of iron-on letters...

Okay, I am going all over the place with this.... Back to work! Less than four weeks away.



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